A Hard-to-Heal Leg Wound – Could Varicose Veins Be the Cause?

Varicose Veins

If a Wound on Your Leg Won’t Heal, Suspect Varicose Veins

Are you struggling with a leg wound that just won’t heal, despite continuously applying ointment? If so, it’s worth considering that the cause might be **varicose veins**.

Varicose veins occur when the veins in your legs stop functioning properly, causing blood to flow backward and pool in the legs. As a result, not only can you experience swelling and heaviness, but the poor circulation of blood under the skin, which is filled with waste products, can make it harder for wounds to heal. This is especially true if the wound is located around the ankle or shin, where varicose veins are more likely to be involved.

In the early stages, this condition often has few noticeable symptoms and can be easily overlooked. However, as it progresses, you may notice skin discoloration or hardening, which can eventually lead to the formation of ulcers. If varicose veins are the cause, typical ointment treatments may not only be ineffective but could also risk worsening the wound.

If a leg wound is not healing due to varicose veins, it is essential to consult a specialist for a proper diagnosis. Treatments such as compression therapy or laser treatment can be tailored to the individual’s symptoms. When varicose veins are treated, leg wounds often heal dramatically.

If you’re feeling like topical treatments aren’t working, consult a varicose vein specialist. Early detection and appropriate treatment are key to maintaining the health of your legs.