“How to Prevent Leg Fatigue in Standing Jobs: Effective Strategies and Tips”

Varicose Veins

For Those Who Experience Tired, Heavy, or Painful Legs from Standing Jobs

For those in standing occupations such as restaurant workers, hairdressers, security guards, supermarket cashiers, and department store salespeople experiencing:

  • Tired legs
  • Heavy legs
  • Painful legs

Please be sure to read this article if you have these concerns.

The Causes of Tired, Heavy, and Painful Legs from Standing Jobs

Have you ever heard the saying “the legs are the second heart”?

Blood is pumped from the heart to the whole body.

Blood delivered to the feet provides oxygen and nutrients to cells.

Then, it collects carbon dioxide and waste products and returns to the heart.

This return is facilitated through the veins.

Since veins transport blood from lower to upper parts of the body, a considerable amount of force is required to counteract gravity.

This force is provided by the muscles in the legs, particularly the calf muscles, often referred to as the “second heart”.

The calf muscles play a crucial role in pushing the blood back to the heart.

However, unlike the heart, which works continuously 24/7, the calf muscles must be consciously moved.

For those in standing jobs such as restaurant workers, hairdressers, security guards, supermarket cashiers, and department store salespeople, there is no problem if you are walking around because this movement engages the calf muscles.

However, the situation of standing still in the same spot for long periods is common in these professions.

As a result, the calf muscles do not move much, causing blood to pool in the veins.

This leads to the accumulation of carbon dioxide and waste products in the leg muscles, causing fatigue, heaviness, and pain.

Four Strategies to Alleviate Tired, Heavy, and Painful Legs!

Moving the calf muscles helps return the pooled blood in the leg veins back to the heart.

Here are four specific methods:

  • Squats
  • Achilles tendon stretch
  • Standing on tiptoes
  • Compression stockings

When you’ve been standing for a long time and feel like “your legs have turned to sticks”, you may want to squat down.

This is because squatting activates the calf muscles, allowing the trapped blood in the veins and muscles to escape.

You will find relief from leg fatigue and feel more comfortable.

Even if you don’t understand the reason, everyone knows that squatting makes your legs feel better, and it’s something we do unconsciously.

Stretching the Achilles tendon and standing on tiptoes also activate the calf muscles, reducing leg fatigue, heaviness, and pain.

For those who find it difficult to exercise their legs during work, we recommend compression stockings.

Compression stockings are medical-grade stockings designed with different pressures at the ankles and calves to help squeeze the blood upwards toward the heart.

Wearing them canmake your legs feel very comfortable.