What Are Varicose Veins? Easy-to-Understand Guide with Photos

Varicose Veins

Do You Know About Varicose Veins in the Legs?

Varicose veins are a condition where blood flow in the veins does not return smoothly to the heart, causing the veins in the legs to expand. In the early stages, you may only feel discomfort, but as the condition progresses, symptoms such as pain, swelling, and skin discoloration may appear.

To make the explanation easier to understand, we’ve provided images illustrating the stages of varicose veins below.

1. Early Symptoms of Varicose Veins

The photo below shows mild varicose veins, where slightly protruding bluish-purple veins can be seen. This condition is known as spider veins. While it is categorized as “varicose veins,” spider veins do not progress to the bulging varicose veins seen in later stages.

2. Moderate Varicose Veins

At this stage, the veins are more prominent, and the swelling of the blood vessels becomes noticeable.

3. Swelling Associated with Varicose Veins Progression

This is commonly seen in people who work long hours standing. Swelling and a heavy feeling in the legs, especially at night, are also common.

4. Severe Varicose Veins Cases

Here, you can see bulging veins in the calf. Skin discoloration (pigmentation) has also begun, which is a high-risk condition for skin ulcers, requiring surgical intervention.

5. Varicose Veins and Skin Hardening

This photo shows the skin turning brown due to poor blood flow, along with chronic skin inflammation leading to hardening of the skin.

6. Cases with Skin Ulcers

In severe cases, skin ulcers may form. These ulcers carry a high risk of infection, making early treatment essential.

7. Itching and Eczema

Itching and eczema in the legs can also accompany varicose veins. The photo below shows reddish skin inflammation.

8. Post-Treatment Results

The post-treatment photo shows the veins have become less noticeable, and the condition of the legs has improved significantly.


Taking appropriate measures during the early stages of varicose veins is crucial. Avoid prolonged standing and consider using compression stockings to prevent the symptoms from worsening. If the condition progresses, it is essential to consult a specialist and explore suitable treatment options.