Advice for Patients Unsure About Undergoing Surgery for Varicose Veins | Benefits and Drawbacks

Varicose Veins

Guide for Those Who Are Unsure About Undergoing Surgery for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are a condition that many people may experience. It is particularly common among women and is influenced by factors such as standing for long periods and genetics. This condition can affect appearance and, if it progresses, can cause leg pain and discomfort. Therefore, it is natural to wonder, “Should I undergo surgery?” This article provides detailed information on the criteria for making this decision, as well as the pros and cons of surgery.

When to Consider Surgery for Varicose Veins

First, let’s think about when to consider surgery. If you have the following symptoms, it is worth considering surgery:

1. Severe leg symptoms: As varicose veins progress, they can cause leg pain, heaviness, heat sensation, restlessness, and cramps during sleep. If these symptoms interfere with your daily life, it is time to consider surgery.

2. Skin discoloration or ulcers: If varicose veins cause skin pigmentation, eczema, or ulcers, urgent surgery is necessary. These symptoms are signs of advanced varicose veins.

3. Concerns about appearance: Many people wish to have surgery for cosmetic reasons. If you want to improve your appearance, surgery is also an option.

Benefits of Varicose Vein Surgery

Surgery offers many benefits. Here are the main points:

1. Symptom improvement: Pain, heaviness, and discomfort are reduced, making daily life more comfortable.

2. Improved appearance: Varicose veins become less noticeable, so you don’t have to worry about your appearance. This is especially beneficial during summer when you have more opportunities to expose your legs.

3. Prevention of complications: Untreated varicose veins can lead to complications such as ulcers and thrombophlebitis. Surgery can reduce these risks.

Drawbacks of Varicose Vein Surgery

On the other hand, there are also drawbacks to surgery.

1. Surgery risks: All surgeries come with risks. However, the risk of severe complications from varicose vein surgery is very low, and its safety is well established.

2. Recovery period: A certain recovery period is necessary after surgery. At The Varicose Vein Clinic TOKYO, we use a treatment method that does not involve skin incisions, resulting in minimal damage to the body. Therefore, bathing is prohibited on the day of surgery, but from the day after surgery, there are no restrictions on bathing, work, exercise, or any other activities.

3. Cost: Surgery involves costs, but health insurance is applicable. It is recommended to check the details with the medical institution.


Whether to undergo surgery should be decided based on individual symptoms, lifestyle, and consultation with a doctor. Varicose veins worsen if left untreated, so it is recommended to consult a specialist as soon as you notice or are concerned about them. The Varicose Vein Clinic TOKYO provides specialized diagnosis and treatment, offering the best treatment plan tailored to each patient’s symptoms. Please feel free to consult us.

The Varicose Vein Clinic TOKYO has been the leading clinic in Japan for the number of varicose vein laser surgeries for four consecutive years since 2020.