The Varicose Vein Clinic TOKYO’s Consultation Process: From Initial Visit to Treatment

Varicose Veins

At The Varicose Vein Clinic TOKYO, we ensure that patients receive clear and comprehensive explanations of the treatment process for lower limb varicose veins, from the initial consultation to the actual treatment.

1. Booking an Initial Consultation

First, schedule an initial consultation by phone or online. When booking, briefly describe your symptoms and concerns to facilitate a smooth and appropriate consultation.

2. Initial Consultation Check-In

Upon arriving at the clinic for your scheduled appointment, please present your health insurance card, medication booklet, and any recent medical check-up results at the reception. The reception staff will provide you with a medical questionnaire to fill out your current symptoms and medical history.

3. Consultation and Counseling

Based on the completed questionnaire, the doctor will conduct a detailed interview. An ultrasound examination will be performed to assess the condition of the lower limb varicose veins. This test allows for a thorough understanding of the state of the veins and any blood flow abnormalities.

4. Explanation of the Treatment Plan

Considering the consultation and test results, the doctor will explain the most suitable treatment plan. Treatment options include laser catheter treatment, glue treatment, and sclerotherapy. The doctor will explain the benefits and drawbacks of each method, helping you make an informed decision on the best treatment for you.

5. Scheduling the Treatment

Once the treatment plan is decided, a specific treatment date will be scheduled. Preparation might be necessary before the treatment, so follow the doctor’s instructions to ensure you are ready.

6. Treatment

On the day of treatment, come to the clinic in a relaxed state. Depending on the treatment method, local anesthesia or mild sedatives might be used.

7. Post-Treatment Care and Follow-Up

After the treatment, post-treatment care and follow-up are crucial. The clinic will conduct follow-up consultations to monitor your recovery. Additionally, you will receive advice on precautions and measures to prevent recurrence in your daily life.

8. Continuous Follow-Up

Even after the treatment is complete, regular check-ups are essential for early detection of recurrence and additional treatments if necessary. The Varicose Vein Clinic TOKYO provides ongoing support to ensure patients can live comfortably and confidently.

Features of The Varicose Vein Clinic TOKYO

– Specialist Consultations: Consultations are conducted by specialists with extensive experience in treating varicose veins.
– Latest Treatment Techniques: We utilize the latest treatment techniques, including laser treatments and glue treatments.
– Patient-Centered Care: We provide personalized care and thorough aftercare tailored to each patient’s needs.


At The Varicose Vein Clinic TOKYO, we offer consistent support from the initial consultation through treatment and aftercare, ensuring patients can receive treatment with peace of mind. If you are experiencing symptoms of lower limb varicose veins, please consider consulting at The Varicose Vein Clinic TOKYO.

The Varicose Vein Clinic TOKYO has been the leading clinic in Japan for the number of varicose vein laser catheter treatments for four consecutive years (2020-2023).