Severe Cases of Varicose Veins: Treatment of Stasis Dermatitis and Skin Ulcers

Varicose Veins

Treatment Methods for Stasis Dermatitis and Skin Ulcers: Why Surgery Is Necessary

Varicose veins are a common concern for many, but stasis dermatitis and skin ulcers are particularly severe symptoms. For those suffering from these conditions, surgery is often necessary. In this article, we will provide detailed information about stasis dermatitis, skin ulcers, and their treatment methods.

What is Stasis Dermatitis?

Stasis dermatitis occurs due to the backward flow of blood caused by varicose veins. When blood pools in the leg veins and normal circulation is disrupted, it can cause inflammation in the skin. If this condition persists, the skin may become discolored due to pigmentation and may also become itchy. Additionally, if left untreated, the skin can harden, leading to persistent pain that is difficult to alleviate.

What are Skin Ulcers?

Skin ulcers are an advanced stage of stasis dermatitis, characterized by deep wounds forming in the skin. Due to impaired blood circulation, these wounds are difficult to heal and require urgent treatment.

Treatment Methods for Stasis Dermatitis and Skin Ulcers

Surgery is recommended for the treatment of stasis dermatitis and skin ulcers.

Types of Surgery for Varicose Veins

1. Endovenous Ablation (Catheter Treatment): This surgery uses a laser or radiofrequency catheter to seal off veins and prevent blood from flowing backward.
2. Endovenous Embolization (Glue Treatment): This surgery uses medical adhesive to prevent the backward flow of blood in the veins.

Since stasis dermatitis and skin ulcers impair blood circulation in the skin, surgeries involving skin incisions may have the disadvantage of slow wound healing. However, both endovenous ablation and endovenous embolization result in very small surgical wounds, offering the significant benefit of a quicker recovery.

Why Surgery is Necessary for Stasis Dermatitis and Skin Ulcers

If left untreated, stasis dermatitis and skin ulcers can worsen, potentially disrupting daily life. There is also a risk of serious complications, such as infections. Surgery addresses the underlying cause, offering the potential for symptom improvement and preventing recurrence.


If you are suffering from stasis dermatitis or skin ulcers, early consultation and appropriate treatment are crucial. At our clinic, we offer the latest treatments tailored to each patient’s needs. If you are struggling with symptoms of varicose veins, please do not hesitate to consult us.