What is Stasis Dermatitis? A Detailed Explanation of Symptoms and Treatment

Varicose Veins

What is Stasis Dermatitis? Causes and Treatment

Stasis dermatitis is a skin condition that occurs when the veins in the lower limbs are unable to return blood to the heart effectively. This condition is particularly common among the elderly and people who stand for long periods at work. The skin may darken and become itchy, and if left untreated, it can harden, causing pain and potentially leading to ulcers.

Causes of Stasis Dermatitis

The primary cause of stasis dermatitis is the malfunction of the valves in the leg veins, which allows blood to flow backward. As this backward flow continues, blood high in waste products accumulates in the legs, leading to dermatitis. Other risk factors include obesity, pregnancy, prolonged standing, and genetic predisposition.
When blood flows backward in the veins, it’s similar to sewage backing up, causing dirty blood to accumulate in the leg veins.

The Importance of Early Treatment

As stasis dermatitis progresses, it becomes more challenging to treat, but early intervention can prevent symptom worsening and improve the quality of life. In the early stages, compression therapy and lifestyle modifications are effective. Wearing compression stockings and resting with the legs elevated are recommended.

Specialized Treatment at The Varicose Vein Clinic TOKYO

At The Varicose Vein Clinic TOKYO, we offer specialized diagnosis and treatment for stasis dermatitis. Our clinic uses the latest diagnostic equipment to thoroughly evaluate the condition of your lower limbs and propose the optimal treatment plan tailored to your individual symptoms. We also perform surgery to prevent venous reflux when necessary.

Don’t Ignore Stasis Dermatitis

If left untreated, stasis dermatitis can lead to more severe complications such as skin ulcers and infections. Early treatment is key to improving symptoms and preventing recurrence, so if you notice any concerning symptoms, please consult our clinic as soon as possible.

Our Clinic Operates on an Appointment-Only Basis

At The Varicose Vein Clinic TOKYO, we adopt an appointment-only system to ensure that each patient receives sufficient time and care for a safe and comfortable treatment experience. If you have any concerns about the diagnosis or treatment of stasis dermatitis, please feel free to contact us.